
Internal Audits

Internal audits of the Cornélio Brennand Group, for monitoring risks and reviewing internal controls, are performed by an independent firm with the support of an in-house team that reports to the Audit and Risks Committee of the Board of Directors.

Through process review cycles in the business units, the auditors assess the adherence of internal controls to best market practices, prepare recommendations and monitor the implementation of proposed improvements, in order to strengthen governance practices and the control environment of the Group’s business units.

External Audits

External audits of the Cornélio Brennand Group are conducted by an independent firm responsible to review the financial statements and issue an opinion, in order give assurance to shareholders and other stakeholders about the accounting information of the business units.

The auditors have the autonomy to assess and express an opinion on the organization’s operations by accessing documents and interacting with management for the purpose of forming a judgment and reaching a conclusion.